
Tag Projects for: 'Display'
Simple LCD Battery Level Indicator 20×4 I2C

 In this Tutorial we are going to make a Battery Level Indicator using LCD I2C 20 X 4 Display . This approach can be used to display anything that requires a level indication such as batteries, water level, temperature, humidity, etc. For the demonstration we are going to simulate the signal with a potentiometer …

Control the LCD ST7735 Backlight Brightness Using PWM With Arduino

 In this tutorial we are going to change the ST7735 SPI LCD Backlight brightness using a potentiometer & Arduino. Watch the video! Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO (Or any other Arduino) LCD Display TFT 7735 Potentiometer module 68 ohm Resistor (LCD Backlight draws around 30mA) Jumper wires Breadboard Visuino program: Download Visuino …

Turn LCD on and Off With Push Button Using Arduino

 In this tutorial we are going to Turn ON or OFF the I2C LCD using a button & Arduino. Watch the Video! Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino or ESP) LCD I2C 1K ohm resistors LED Button Jumper wires Breadboard Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: Brought by PCBWay …

How to Use DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature Sensor With Arduino

 In this simple tutorial we will learn how to use a DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature Sensor with Arduino. Watch the Video! Step 1: What You Will Need DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature Sensor OLED Display Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) 4.7K ohm resistor Jumper wires Breadboard Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: Brought by PCBWay Thank you …

OLED Countdown Timer With Arduino

 In this tutorial we are going to build a simple Countdown timer using an OLED Display & Arduino. With pressing on a button the timer will start to count down and when it reaches zero an LED will turn ON. By pressing again on the button the timer will restart. Step 1: What You …

Seeeduino XIAO Expansion Board Ultrasonic Distance Sensor With Sound Warning

 In this Tutorial we are going to explore how to measure a distance using a Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board and Ultrasonic Range sensor. Watch the video! Step 1: What You Will Need HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Measurement Module Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board Seeeduino XIAO Jumper wires Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: About Seeeduino XIAO Powerful …

Arduino & Nextion Display – Use Slider to Control LED Brightness

   In this project we are going to learn how to control an LED using a Nextion Display with a simple touch button. Watch the Video! Step 1: What You Will Need   Arduino UNO (or any other board) Nextion Display 1X LED 1X 1 Kilo ohm resistor Breadboard Jumper wires Nextion Editor program: Download …

Arduino Temperature Alarm LED Display Flash & Beep

   In this tutorial we will measure the temperature and when it is out of boundaries the LED display will start to Flash and the buzzer will beep. Once the temperature is back within the boundaries flashing and beeping will stop. Watch the video! You can Download the Project File below. Also check out …

Connect Two Arduinos Using I2C Communication

In this tutorial we will learn how to connect Two Arduino boards using I2C Communication by connecting a DHT11 Temperature sensor to the Slave Arduino and send it over the I2C to the Master Arduino and Display the Temperature value on the OLED Display. This project serves as an example what can be done, you …

Seeeduino XIAO Compass QMC5883-GY-271 & OLED Display

In this tutorial we will learn how to use the seeduino Xiao with the compass I2C sensor QMC5883 and the OLED Display. We will Display all the axis and the temperature on the OLED Display. Watch the video!  Step 1: What You Will Need Seeeduino XIAO Compass QMC5883/GY-271 Sensor OLED Display Breadboard Jumper Wires …

Connect SSD1331 OLED Display & ST7789 Display

In this tutorial we will learn how to connect the SSD1331 OLED Display & ST7789 Display to Arduino using the Visuino program. Watch the video.  Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) SSD1331 OLED Display ST7789 Display Breadboard Jumper wires Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: The Circuit Connect Arduino …

Arduino Countdown Timer With Settings

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a Countdown Timer, where you can set time with one button and start the timer with another button. When timer reaches the zero the LED will start to flash. Instead of the LED you can connect anything else like a relay or any other module. Watch …

Arduino Lotto Winner

In this Video you will learn how to make a Lotto number generator that displays International Lotto numbera (Germany, ItalyUSA,etc) This Tutorial was made by a user Compact DIY , you can check out his youtube channel here and his Visuino playlist where you can find other Visuino videos.


In this tutorial we will learn how to get the weather data based on location from the internet using TTGO ESP32 and Visuino. Watch the Video! Step 1: What You Will Need TTGO ESP32 WiFi connection A Free API account on the (also Explained in the Next Step) Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: OpeanWeatherMap API …

Arduino Display Text on MAX7219 8-digit LED Display

In this tutorial we will learn how to display a Simple text on the MAX7219 8-digit Digital LED Display using Visuino. Watch the video. Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) Jumper wires Max7219 Led Dot Matrix 8-digit Digital Display Control Module Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: The Circuit Connect …

4-Digit Countdown Timer (Minutes and Seconds) – Arduino Tutorial

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a 4-Digit Countdown Timer displaying Minutes and seconds using Arduino. Watch the Video! Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO or any other Arduino board LED Display TM1637 Jumper wires Visuino software: Download here Step 2: Circuit Connect LED Display pin[CLK] to Arduino digital pin[10] Connect …

TM1637 Display

In this tutorial we will learn how to display time using RTC DS1307 module and LED Display TM1637 and Visuino. Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) Get it here RTC DS1307 module Get it here Jumper wires LED Display TM1637 Get it here Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: The Circuit Connect LED …

Bitmap Animation on SSD1331 OLED Display (SPI) With Visuino

In this tutorial we will display and move around a bitmap image in a simple form of animation on the SSD1331 OLED Display (SPI) with Visuino. Watch the video. Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) SSD1331 OLED Display (SPI) Breadboard Jumper wires Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: The Circuit …

Counter Using TM1637 LED Display & Obstacle Avoidance Sensor

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a simple digit counter using LED Display TM1637 and obstacle avoidance sensor and Visuino. Watch the video. Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) Jumper wires Obstacle avoidance sensor LED Display TM1637 Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: The Circuit Connect LED Display …

Arduino Counter Using TM1637 LED Display

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a simple digit counter using LED Display TM1637 and Visuino. Watch the video. Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) Jumper wires LED Display TM1637 Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: The Circuit Connect LED Display pin[CLK] to Arduino digital pin[10] Connect …

Find Out When Someone Entered a Room Using Radar Sensor Xyc-wb-dc

In this tutorial we will learn how to Find out when someone entered a room using RTC module, radar sensor xyc-wb-dc ,OLED display and arduino. Watch the video. Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) xyc-wb-dc Radar Sensor RTC DS1307 Real Time Clock module OLED display Jumper wires Breadboard Visuino …